About us
Arthur Goncalves

Lead Pastor of Restoration Church of Sanford
Pastor Arthur and Jessica have been married 12 years and have 4 children. Arthur attended Southeastern Bible College and looks forward to pursuing a lifetime of Biblical Academia. Arthur has been involved in ministry for 14 years. God has given Pastor Arthur a burden to see people know, love, and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 5 gives us the divine mandate to restore people back to God through our Lord Jesus Christ, that's Pastor Arthur's heart, mission, and message. Arthur is the lead elder at Restoration Church of Sanford, to which this ministry belongs. The Lord has called Arthur and his wife Jessica to reach Sanford for Christ's name and God's glory.
Over the years the Lord has placed a burden on Pastor's heart to bring comprehensive restoration to the city of Sanford. Arthur has served in numerous outreaches and has partnered with many gospel-centered non-profits and local Churches in our city. Arthur has noticed that the process of restoration can be long and messy, but one in which the local Church historically has led the charge in. Arthur is committed to being the hands and feet of Christ in our community by coming alongside those who are far and near. With all that said, Arthur has come to the conclusion that the greatest need above all in our city is not physical, but spiritual. To see hope again in our cities, Arthur is convinced it will only happen after prayer and the proclamation of God's Word (Acts 6:4) through the local Church. Arthur trusts in the ordinary means of God's grace.
Arthur believes that prayer works because God works. If God will move in a powerful way in our city, if God will bring biblical restoration to the city of Sanford, he is convinced it will happen after prayer!
Pastor Arthur is devoted to the teaching of the full counsel of God’s Holy Word by means of expositional preaching, and steadfast prayer. His heart is to lead others in a deep relationship with Christ through Biblical discipleship, Gospel-centered community, and fervent prayer. Arthur knows that without the power of the Holy Spirit he can do nothing, so he surrenders to the Sovereign Lord all that is His, knowing that Christ builds His Church, and our part is to be meekly obedient to the Lord’s commands.